It was an unusually warm day for Monday, March 19th, when twenty-five Lexington Rotarians, three visiting Rotarians and three visitors met for our weekly meeting at Waxy's.

Our lunch consisted of Sheppard’s Pie, Caesar salad, cold-cut sandwiches, beverages and cookies.

Pres. Murry A. led the Pledge of Allegiance, Charlie V. led one verse of America and Bob C. gave the invocation.

P.P. Ed G. was the first to pay seven happy dollars for a recent trip to Naples, FL.  He and his family were fortunate enough to attend a Red Sox game at the new Jet Blue Stadium.  We hope that his visit will bring good luck for a winning season.

It was announced that Gus Gusquattle will be speaking to us on April 23 regarding his recent cruise to Argentina.  We look forward to his presentation.

P.P. Dan B. made it perfectly clear that we should all be able to communicate via e-mail.

Since Marian A, was absent P.P. Dan B. volunteered to introduce the guest speaker, Richard Sundel who represents Angel Flight NE.

Pres. Murry A. and Sec./V.P.David S. were fined for a very good reason, I'm sure.  In addition, Sec. /V.P. David S. paid several happy dollars for a well deserved "date" with his wife, thanks to their great babysitter.

Now happy dollars were really starting to flow. Steve K. was happy to announce that Kirkland & Shaw was assisted by Arlex Oil on a project that required the expertise of both companies.  Needless to say, the customer was thrilled with the success of the job.

Pres. Murry A. was happy to report that his wife was soon returning from a vacation.  With the return of her good cooking he might be gaining back some recently lost weight. He also mentioned that we might contact some of our former Rotarians & invite them to join us for a meeting. Great idea! 

Sec. /V.P. David S. spoke about the "March Madness" tournament. To date, P.P. Bob O. and Sec. V.P. David S. are tied for the top prize.

P.P. Dave E. mentioned that there will be a full house at the Depot for our social event on March 29th.  We are still looking forward to hearing from P.P. Leo M. and P.P. Nick C.

We were reminded of our upcoming, April 9th, meeting with the Concord Rotary Club at our regular meeting time and place. So far we have 26 Concord Rotarians attending.

According to Patriots Day Chairman Steve K. we are all set with plans for April 16th.

P.P. John O. was delighted to report that the 10th annual Comedy Night on May 18th is sold out.  Good work P.P. Dave E. and P.P. John O.! 

Our speaker Richard Sundel of Angel Flight NE was introduced by P.P. Dan B.  Angel Flight NE is an organization of pilots who donate their time and planes to help those in need of their services.  This generous group of professionals provide free flights for people in need of medical care or have other special needs. Mr. Sundel is a Rotarian in the Haverhill Club.  He went on to mention that close to 50% of the patients using this service are fighting cancer.  Often there are 90-100 flights a week, some flight having gone as far as Santa Monica, CA.  The NE branch was started in 1996 has approx. 60-65 pilot volunteers and has flown close to 5,400 patients (35% are children) to various hospitals and clinics in that time.  Many commercial airlines, including US Air and Jet Blue donate seats in this effort.  

Angel Flight NE story was impressive and a wonderful good news humanitarian experience.  So reassuring and we applaud the work of all those involved.

The 50:50 raffle was won by lucky Treas. Donna L.

Respectfully, Bob C.