Karen Fahey - Optimal Health Strategist

Rotary Club of Lexington- Bulletin for March 16th 2015 meeting
Corned beef and cabbage- why not? A day early but fittingly prepared by the staff at Waxy’s. Guaranteed you wouldn’t have gotten in if you waited until Tuesday.
The 25 Lexington Rotarians in attendance hosted our semi-member Paul Thibeau from the Burlington Club and 3 guests. Lots of happy dollars, but no fines of substance. Apparently everyone is either on their best behavior or totally worn out from the winter with no energy left to be naughty.
Raffle gifts came from generous members; Arlex Oil, Eagle Bank, Patriot Bank, Peoples Banks and Encharter Insurance. Thanks to all.
Today’s guest speaker was Karen Fahey from Reading MA. Karen works as a consultant educating people on the many factors that contribute to stress and the subsequent impact of stress on your body. These include of course, diet and exercise. We’re all guilty- (pass the cookies please.)
My Brian says: “Shop the outside walls of the grocery store- dairy, fresh meats, fruits and vegetables. All that colorfully packaged processed stuff in the middle is crap”. Sounds easy.
PP Spencer reports Comedy night is virtually sold out. And we need raffle items please.
Future notes: The Polar Plunge is now rescheduled for April 11th. This has got to be cruel and unusual punishment making our plungers anticipate the cold water for so many weeks. Word is, they’re waiting for the day when the water at its absolute coldest- before it starts to warm up.
April 18th the Club and Brookhaven will again host The Old Guard for lunch. Details to follow. Thanks Jim
April 27th we will meet at the Cary Library.
OK- so we broke the snowfall record! Now let’s move on to SPRING!!!