Posted by Bob Sacco on Nov 27, 2017

Good Morning Mr. and Ms. Rotarian

On a cloudy, relatively mild Monday 20 Lexington Rotarians met for our regular meeting. The luncheon consisted of delicious ribs, chicken, salad and the usual cold cuts and cookies.
Raffle gifts were donated by Arlex and Bob C.
Pres. Lori started the meeting with a request for a moment of silence for long time friend, Lion Dick Michelson who passed away last Friday.
The pledge was led by Bob C., one verse of America by Charlie V., and the invocation by PP Don S.
There being no speaker for the day, Pres. Lori went directly to announcements of events that took place since our last meeting.
•  Thanks to PE Michelle G. and PP Dan B. for a successful Cash Raffle
•  Lexington won the annual Thanksgiving football game with Burlington
•  Pres. Lori and PP Murry attended this years Rotary Foundation Dinner
•  26 Thanksgiving meals for 102 people were delivered to Lexington residents with the assistance of FLR Sean M. and the Youth Commission
•  Toys for Tots drop-off will be at Brookhaven in Lexington and will require unwrapped gifts to be delivered by Dec. 13
•  PP Frank S. spoke of “Sand for Seniors” weekend on Dec 2 & Dec 3. Watch your email for details.
•  There will be a Board meeting prior to our Dec. 4 meeting 
•  Santa will be at our Holiday Party on Dec. 18  for a collection of cash (or checks) for a charity TBD
•  Remember to buy your Amazon gifts via the AMAZON link on our website so that our club can get a commission (This offsets our cost for the club website)
•  The 50/50 raffle of $55.00 was won by Pres. Lori
AND NOW YOU KNOW . . . . the rest of the story.
PP Bob S./ PE Michelle G. (and the help of Paul Harvey)