This Monday was a beautiful sunny warm day. 


The luncheon menu was salad, cold cuts, shepherd’s pie and cookies.


There were 27 members and 3 guests.


The Pledge was led by Steve K, America was led by Antonio and the Invocation given by PDG Jack.


Happy Dollars: PP Dan B gave $20 for his weekend trip to Ohio.  2nd VP Domenic gave $20 in honor of his daughter’s 22nd birthday.  PP Dan O gave $20 for his birthday (happy birthday Dan).  Jim Freehling gave $20 as a thank you to the Lexington Fire Department who responded to the fire next door to Brookhaven.  And the fire story continued with PP Nick donating $5 Sad dollars  for lack of sleep due to the fire engines !  PP Bob O gave the Club the $80 he had won the week before in the 50/50 raffle – he hadn’t been there to collect the funds so according to Club rules – the money goes back to the Club.  And Pres. Elect Jim gave $25 in honor of his 25th wedding anniversary (congrats Jim!).


Fines: Two tables with no guests were fined - $10 total Announcements: Installation Ceremony next Monday.  PP Dan B is sending out an email invitation for all to respond so we can get a count of attendees.


Speaker: The speaker was Dr. Paul Ash, Superintendent of the Lexington Public Schools.  Dr. Ash discussed his new book – “School Systems that Learn”.  This book discusses methods that Imagea good school system can utilize to turn the school system into a great school system and how to bridge the achievement gap with underperforming students.  Dr. Ash has found that many schools are run like factories – sorted by age of manufacture and that students are moved around during the day.  This standardized education approach is 100 years old and very regulated.  Teachers are often isolated working with their own class with little interaction with other teachers within the school. Parents today want more individualized attention for their children.  To do so, schools need to invest more funds in professional development; increase trust and collaboration; and increase leadership opportunities. 


50/50 raffle of $80 was won by PDG Jack. 


Have a great week.