On an overcast, cloudy, gloomy day, where a light snow had just covered the parking lot, Lexington Rotarians met a Waxy O’Connor’s for their weekly meeting. The luncheon was chicken-broccoli and ziti, cold cuts and a Caesar salad.

The official attendance is unclear, as it was originally reported at 29 with one guest, but there were several late arrivals. P.P. B.S., M.M. and P.P. M.A. bolstered the attendance to 32 Rotarians, I think?

Today's pledge was led by Diane P., followed by one verse of "America" led by Charlie V. The invocation was reverently delivered by P.D.G. Jack M.

We were fortunate to have a guest today. She was Nihal Patel. She has just recently moved here from Manhattan, California. She is a new mother and moved here to be closer to her family. She was checking out our club and was warmly welcomed by President Jim, as the word is she was an excellent Rotarian in California. All Rotarians stood to sing a better-than-usual Welcome Song for her, led by P.P. David S.

Today's raffle prizes were donated by Dan Busa, Village Automotive, Eagle Bank, Vail Studios and Arlex Oil. The first prize was won by Steve M. who promptly donated his ticket to our guest, who subsequently had her own number pulled to become a two-time winner. Other winners were P.P. David B., Megan M. and P.P. Dan B.

Happy Dollars today were plentiful. P.P. David S. and Steve M. each gave $20 for their weekend plunge into the chilly waters of Gloucester: $20 - but were they really happy? President Jim also contributed $20 and thanked the swimmers, the club, and the small group that went to Gloucester to cheer on the Polar Plungers. Lexington came in third in the district for funds raised from the event. Interesting side note illustrating "No good deed goes unpunished." Isn't that how it goes?

Evidently on the ride home from the swim, several members contributed to Lori M. who was participating in a Susan G. Komen fundraiser the next day. Turns out Pres. Jim won the 50/50 raffle at that event to the tune of $500. Well done! P.P.

David B. contributed Happy Dollars because he couldn't understand any of the words of the half-time singer at the Super Bowl. P.P. Murray A. was happy for his vacation to Arizona.

Fines today per usual, P.P. Dave E. and P.P. John O. were fined for being loud and "mouthing off." P.P. Dan B. in turn fined President Jim; evidently he is still looking for photos from last week's meeting in order to include them in last week's bulletin which still isn't out.

David S. fined himself $20 for not getting his act together in time to run a Super Bowl square fund raiser. No worries, Dave, March Madness will be here before you know it!

Not much Club business today. A short discussion on how long Lexington had been participating in "E.R.E.Y." Apparently it has been 12 years since its inception that we have had 100% participation in the program.

No speaker today. President Jim filled in. After some minor technical difficulties when, P.P. Dan B. came to the rescue, President Jim showed some Polar Plunge photos along with other Club photos of past events. 




There will be a short meeting of the Comedy Night Committee at 133 Mass. Ave., Friday at 3:00 p.m. Beverages will be served.

Next meeting is next week.