Quick Meeting No Speaker

On a misty, overcast, yet snowless Monday, Pres. Dominic opened the meeting to 20 Lexington Rotarians and one guest.  Following usual Waxy buffet fare, PP Jim S led the Pledge, PP Don M the first verse of America, and PP Don S gave a solemn invocation (no prayer necessary for Pats after Gronk’s return); PP Murry A led the Welcome Song, serenading Lori M’s son Ethan, our only guest, Lori making it clear that he was not our son, just hers.
            PP Dan B paid Happy Dollars for a successful basal cell surgery on his face, and his wife Jody, supposedly, can vouch for the Band-Aid as surgery-related.  PP Don M paid happy for new member Jim T being best-dressed (for his red shirt, and with all his clothes on); SSgt at Arms Connie N was happy her son was taking his last college test (probably a cake walk after taking all of hers pass/fail).
            PP Jim S, being a sensitive guy, was hurt by PP John O’s refusal to sit at Jim’s table.  John was sitting at an empty table with all his friends.  John later tried to fine Secretary Julianne D for accepting/declining attendance at the Holiday Party while performing her meeting duties.  Julianne took John to task for his inability to “multi-task;” maybe John’s wife can give him a lesson.  Something about old dog, new tricks.
            Raffle Donors:  Arlex Oil, Eagle Bank, Busa Wine and Spirits, Bickling Financial.
            President-Elect Susan C proposed, and the Club voted, her slate of officers:  Lori M will follow Susan as Pres; 1st VP Michelle G; Donna L will continue as Treasurer, as will Secretary Julianne D; new SSgt at Arms is PP Don M; Board Members at Large PP Dan B, PP Frank S and PP–to-be Pres Dominic.
            Announcements:  Great news on Charlie V, who is now home on-the-mend, expecting to make the Holiday Party next Monday at 12:15 pm; Toys for Tots deadline:  December 17th, drop-off at Brookhaven.  LEA sent thank you for our Club’s contribution.
            The meeting was short as the guest speaker was unable to (or preferred not to, given the crowd) show up.  There will be a Club Assembly on December 28th.
            PP Jim S was rewarded for his sensitivity as he scooped the 50/50 for $50.  Maybe next time PP John O will leave his friends to sit with Jim and not on Santa’s lap.
            Regards from a North Pole Elf, PP Ed G