Weather: Cloudy
Luncheon Fare: Steak, fish. Veggies, potatoes and tortellini and salad
Attendance: 19 Rotarians + 1 Visiting Rotarian =20
Raffle Gift Donated By: Youville Place, Rotary Club, Arlex Oil, PP Spencer
Pledge by: Yanira Burgos
1st Verse of America by Charlie Vail
Invocation by PDG Jack Maloney
Club Meeting Notes
Happy Dollars:
- $50 Charlie Vail for being healthy
- $5 PP Michele- Being happy
- $5 PP Murray
- $1 Dan
- $1 PP Lori
- $1 PP Jim Freehling
- $20 PP Dan Busa in memory of former Police Chief Jim Corr
- $1 President Dan Olsen
- 1st fine of the year Murray for not paying attention to details.
The club raised $ 834.00 at the holiday party for NSPCA
- Thank you from scholarship recipient Ana Benson.
- Joint meeting with Lions next week the speaker will be Superintendent Julie Hackett.
- No meeting on 01/20 due to the MLK holiday.
- Past President Lori ask the club for any size donation to meet her $2,000 goal for the Polar Plunge.Click this link to donate to Lori, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will double every dollar collected by Rotary,
No speaker for this meeting.
50/50 Raffle Winner #679 PP Lori Amount $55.00
Veronica C