Our Newest Member Inducted and Lexington's Town Manager Speaks to Rotary.

On a cold sunny, winter day,19 Rotarians and 2 guests met at the Lexington Golf Club with P Michelle G. on the first meeting of 2019.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by PP Cleve C., Verse of America was led by PP Jim S., PDG Jack. cited the invocation, the welcome song was by PSA Charlie V. The food was fantastic as usual, consisting of hamburgers, salad, pasta, vegetables, and deserts.
Our President Michelle G. led the meeting to order and welcomed everyone attending.
Fines and Happy Dollars
- PP Spence gave Happy Dollars for a great holiday and a new car.
- PP Murry gave Happy Dollars for his trip to New York.
- PP Jim S gave Happy Dollars for his birthday and for his guest speaker Lexington Town Manager James Malloy.
- Bob C. gave Happy Dollars for his daughter getting accepted to grad school.
- PP Domenic S gave Happy Dollars for buying an office condo, replacing his leased car, and “Ollie” his new dog.
New Rotary Member
P Michelle G. inducted our newest member with PP Domenic as the sponsor to Arianna Cardillo. Congratulations to Arianna.

- P Michelle G. announced there is no meeting on January 14th.
- A joint meeting will take place at the Knights of Columbus with the Lexington Lions Club at 6:30 PM on January 15th.
- P Michelle G. announced, there will be not meeting on January 21st, in observance of M.L.K. Day.
- P Michelle G. announced, there will be not meeting on February 18th, in observance of President’s Day.
- PP Jim S. announced the creation of a football square for the Super Bowl. All Rotarians are invited to play. Half of the grand total winning amount will remain with the club to use for our projects.
- P Michelle G. announced she is plunging in the “Polar Plunge” on February 9th at 10:30 AM at the Cape Ann Motor Inn, 33 Rockport Road Gloucester, MA. All Rotarians are invited to cheer P. Michelle.
- Please donate to her plunge!!
Donations were from Busa Wine and Spirits, The Rotary Club of Lexington, Eagle Bank, and Arlex Oil.
Our guest speaker was James Malloy our new Town Manager for the Town of Lexington. He served as Westboro’s town manager since 2009. He was previously Sturbridge’s town administrator for 15 years, and he led communities in New York and Colorado for several years before arriving in Massachusetts.
In Lexington he oversees a workforce of hundreds of employees, oversees nearly every town department aside from the school system, and works with selectmen to prepare the town’s annual budgets and plan large capital projects.
Construction planning is scheduled for 2019. The Fire House on Bedford Street has been demolished. After the fire department is finished, The Lexington Police station will undergo a similar process of temporary relocation while development of a new facility begins.
The Lexington board of Selectmen will work on proposed plans to replace the high school and potentially the main town center on Massachusetts Avenue. The proposal for this is expected to come at Town Meeting in March. Any renovations to Lexington’s center would focus primarily on improving safety and accessibility. This would include the installation of new brick along walkways that are more accommodating to wheelchair users, as well as adding and updating crosswalks. Some aesthetic changes to the area would be necessary as well, but the board is focused on maintaining the feel of Lexington’s town center.

The 50/50 was won by PDG Jack M. $65.00 which was donated back to the club. Thank you PDG Jack M.
President Michelle G. rang the bell and our meeting was ended.
Respectfully submitted,
PP Domenic S