Annual Joint Meeting with Lions Club.
Rotary Posthumously Honors Former King Lion Richard "Dick" Michelson.
Weather; rainy and misty.
Luncheon fare; fresh fruit, pulled beef, fish, broccoli, fish, potatoes, clam chowder
Attendance 22 Rotarians, 3 guests plus 14 Lions, total is 39
Raffle Gifts; Walpole Cooperative Bank, Arlex Oil, Bob Cunningham
50/50 Raffle Winner; Bob Cunningham, winning ticket number 410, $116
Pledge by President Elect Michelle Galbiati, 1st Verse of America; Past SAA Charlie Vail, Invocation; PDG Jack Maloney.
President Lori asked some quiz questions
Q1: Who was on the cover of the Rotarian magazine? A: (Jimmy Carter)
Q2: If one donates $25 to the Polar Plunge how much money does "End Polio Now" receive? A: ($75 - donations 2:1 by the Gates Foundation).
Fines & Happy Dollars
- Ken Wright, happy/sad $$ for family helping to support his mother, sister in law passed away.
- 1st VP Dan O, in Florida and happy for Eastern Skating Sectional champs. Highest ranking group in competition. Came in 2nd!
- PP Bob O grateful for Patriots win and Vegas!
- Lions member Bill Carlson happy to be here, happy for Patriots win.
- PP Jim S happy that Lions are here, thinking of his Dad's love of the Lions, Thursday night Chamber dinner
- PP Dan fined 1st VP Dan Olsen for failing to use the proper channels to respond to attendance request for today's meeting.
- Lions member Paul Jenkins donation in honor of his father Donald Jenkins PP of Lexington Rotary Club and the Lexington Golf Club.
- 2nd VP Spencer happy for Disney Trip
- PSAA Charlie happy to be re-elected to the board of the Lexington Historical Society, now 25 year member.
- Polar Plunge coming, don’t forget about the website and app
- 2/26 is the Visitors Meeting
- World Peace and Understanding dinner is 2/28/18
- PP Jim F, announcement of filling more buckets and need, 6 requests.
- PP Jim S announced Thursday night Chamber Gala Dinner has a good contingent of Lexington Rotarians and Lions members..
Speaker is Chief of Police Mark Corr of the Lexington Police Department.
Thank you to the Chief of Police in Lexington for joining us to celebrate Dick Michelson’s life. Chief Corr expressed appreciation for the life and impact of Dick Michelson including his impact not only as a family man but a business man in the community. Mark commented on his years of service, 35, and understands the importance of being part of a family business as his father served on the force. Special memories were shared including the time both families spent celebrating the holidays. Dick was a great businessman, and displayed that with the community. Michelson’s business welcomed everyone including his own family. Dick’s passing was a community loss. We will all miss him dearly.
President Lori invited Dick Michelson's daughter, Rhonda Solomon, and son, Jerry, up along with board members to award the Paul Harris Fellow to Dick celebrating his life as an outstanding citizen. This Dick's second Paul Harris Fellow his first was presented by our club to him 21 years ago on January 20, 1997 (which was also a Monday). Dick followed the motto “service above self”. Rotary Club of Lexington also made a donation in Dicks memory to the Lion’s Club International, Sight Program, a plaque was given to the family in honor of his life.