Semi-Annual Meeting at Minuteman HS.
Fantastic meal prepared by the Culinary Arts Students and Staff

On a cold but sunny winter day,15 Rotarians 1 visiting Rotarian and 1 guest met at Minute Man Technical High School with President Lori presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by PP Don M, Verse of America was led by PSA Charlie V, PP Domenic S cited the invocation. The food was a fantastic buffet with a salad bar, including deserts, prepared by the incredible culinary students.
President Lori brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone attending.
Fines and Happy Dollars
One fine was paid by PP Jim S for making remarks and “living in a glass house.”
- Jim Tarpey gave Happy Dollars for celebrating his 28th Birthday. Happy Birthday was sung and celebrated on his behalf. Happy Birthday Jim!!
- PP Dan B gave Happy Dollars for the great food and cannoli.
- PP Jim F gave Happy Dollars for the installation of the erosion control fencing and delivery of the porta-potties on site at Brookhaven of Lexington’s future new division.
- PP Dan O is currently winning the Rotary Club of Lexington Bracket.
- Reminder, beginning immediately, will be meeting at 6:00 pm on the last Monday of each month through the end of the year. This Monday, March 26th 2018 we will begin the first of these meetings. Unlike our regular meetings these will be more social than the regular format. Each member is encouraged to bring a guest if they wish. President Lori has mentioned we will play a game called Left, Right, Center at our first of these meetings.
See the Wikipedia description below.
Players take it in turn to roll three six-sided dice, each of which is marked with "L", "C", "R" on one side, and a single dot on the three remaining sides. For each "L" or "R" thrown, the player must pass one chip to the player to his left or right, respectively. A "C" indicates a chip to the center (pot).
- Cradle to crayons is looking for clothing and shoe donations. There is a drop off bin at the St. Brigid Parish rear parking lot.
- Patriot’s Day is April 16,2018, is nearing. We will be setting up two tents as usual on Massachusetts Avenue. All Rotarians are encouraged to participate.
- Comedy Night will take place on Friday May 11th, 2018 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM. This year it will take place at the “Knights of Columbus” located at, 177 Bedford Street Lexington, MA. The event will feature comedians and diner. Tickets are $60.00 per person or $600.00 per table of 10. BAR IS CASH ONLY. Anyone wishing to use a credit card will be able to use it to pay for auction prizes only. The club is looking for donations for the silent auction.
- Final Call for Polar plunge donations. Donations are due no later than April 1st, 2018. These can be made on-line or by texting the Plunger’s text number on their web page.
Our speaker for the day, Katie Pinney, was introduced by President Lori.

Katie Pinney represented, Relay For Life, which is the American Cancer Society’s fundraising event where people within the community gather to celebrate survivors, remember those lost to cancer, and to fight back against this disease. Relay For Life participants raise money and get to invite their family and friends to participate in an overnight walking event at the Bedford High School track. Katie will be the co-lead for the event in Bedford and would love to create a team that includes The Rotary Club of Lexington.
Here is a link to join: once you are on the site, search by state, then by city or town.

The winner of the raffle, PSA Charlie V, who donated his winnings of $40.00 to the “American Cancer Society.”
Our next meeting will Monday, March 26th at 6:00 PM
President Lori rang the bell and our meeting was ended.
Respectfully submitted,
PP Domenic S