A Lively Meeting With New and Old Guests
It was a sunny, but cool day for the March 25th meeting of the Lexington Rotary Club. There were nineteen Lexington Rotarians, one visiting Rotarian, and two guests. The bill of fare included sliced beef with vegetables, cold cuts, salad, and desert.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by PP Jim Freehling, one verse of America led by PP Jim Shaw, and the invocation was said by PDG Jack Maloney. Raffle prizes were donated by Arlex Oil, Eagle Bank and the Lexington Rotary Club.
Our guests included PP Paul Thibeault of the Burlington Club, Yanira Motto of Youville Place, and Achantel Thornton of Keller Williams Realty. Both Yanira and Achantel are considering membership in the club.
PP Jim Shaw asked for a fine for a table which hoarded all three guests. No fine for the table, but Jim was fined for suggesting the fine. PP John O'Donnell paid a fine for missing a meeting, and PP and treasurer Dan Busa paid happy dollars because his grandson gained five pounds and grew two inches. PP Paul Thibeault (Burlington) paid happy dollars, as did Veronica Caira in honor of Yanira's pending nuptials.
PP Spencer Betts announced that the club will benefit $360 as a result of the March Madness pool. He also announced that comedy night planning is going well, and that tables and ads are encouraged. PP Frank Smith said he will be sending out an announcement for help retrieving the Sand for Seniors buckets. PP Domenic Sicari reminded members that assignments for Patriots Day have been sent out. Finally, president Michelle Galbiati announced that the annual joint Concord/Lexington Rotary meeting will be in Concord on April 18th. She encouraged members to bring items for a military pack-out.
The 50/50 raffle was $65 and was taken home by PP Dan Olsen.
Respectfully submitted
PP Jim Shaw