Our First Virtual Meeting During Uncertain Times
Before I go on, please understand that I took the notes by hand on the spur of the moment. While everything I wrote made sense to me at the time, even I have trouble reading my own chicken scratch. So please keep an open mind.
It was a lovely Monday morning, pleasant and warm. The sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing, and all seemed right with the world…. except for the pandemic.
PP Dan B invited everyone to follow the link to Zoom. One by one, people showed up. Pres. Dan brought the meeting to order. PP / Secretary Frank gave the attendance.
Today, 19 hearty Rotarians gathered in friendship and isolation for an historic meeting in cyberspace, for the first time in history! We had people in their homes, people in their cars, people on a cyber beach and even the Golden Gate Bridge, all gathered in the name of service above self.
Today’s cuisine… we had no food (although I had Kowloon leftovers before the meeting), but the meeting was still good. There was plenty of banter to go around.
PP/Treas/Etc. Dan B. offered a donation so PP Murry wouldn’t sing the welcome song by himself. Fortunately, we had no guests and, he forgot the words anyway (we think, PP Dan Muted him).
Fines/Happy Dollars:
- PP/T/E Dan gave 20 happy dollars because Busa Wine & Spirits is considered essential and still open!! And, through all the difficulty, we still had the ability to meet, albeit on Zoom. But meet we did.
- PP Murry gave 5 happy dollars because all the members attending were well. He offered to send a check, but at that point someone asked if we took donations by Venmo (I suggest you google that. I can’t help you.) PP Dan thought it was a good idea, whatever it is. Probably more technology I don’t want to learn. (As of this publication we are still working on it.)
- Pres. Dan paid happy dollars for the 2 successful Zoom board meetings we’ve had so far this month, and for all the Zoom meetings yet to come…..Stay tuned.
- PP/S Frank talked about Sand for Seniors. We’re schedule to do a pickup of the buckets between 5/23 and 5/31. PP/T/E Dan sent out an invitation for volunteers to pick up buckets and drop the off at Brookhaven. Please respond if you haven’t already.
- PP/P on Deck Spencer talked about our new Rotary face masks. Rotary Lexington ordered and received 500 masks. They were made in the USA and are washable. 5 masks will be sent out to every Lexington Rotarian today. Please use one and give the rest to family and friends or anyone you know in need of a mask. They have a great Rotary logo on them. It will be great publicity for Rotary. Masks have already been distributed to the Police and Fire Dept., Town Hall and the DPW. As of our meeting, we have approx. 275 left. If you have anyone that needs them, please contact PP/P on deck Spencer.
- PP Dan B talked about gift cards. We purchased 100 - $10 gift cards from Neillios. They were distributed evenly to the Police, Fire and DPW. You do the math. And, we would ordered 100 more and distribute them the same way plus the Lexington Food Pantry.
- We received a text from Suzy Barry. She’s asking Rotary Lexington to help with a celebration for the LHS 2020 graduates. They want to hang a banner and Blue & Gold lights off the gazebo and asked us to participate (read pay for) in the project. The board approved.
- Meaghan M suggested that we offer masks and gift cards to the Lexington Food Pantry. Pres Dan O suggested either that and/or a financial contribution.
- Pres Dan O has taken over the scholarship program from PP Jim Freehling. We have 11 applications so far. We will continue taking apps until September 1, 2020. The scholarship applications are on the Rotary website.
- The installation meeting is scheduled for June 22nd. It will likely be a Zoom installation, but we can remain hopeful.
- Ken Wright followed by P Dan suggested anyone who wanted to could speak for a couple of minutes about how they are doing in this challenging time.
- Ken Wright talked about how fortunate he and his wife are. His practice is doing well during this time and they have their health.
- PP Don S talked about losing his brother to Coved 19. It was a difficult situation and the realities of the current situation made it worse. Our condolences.
At that point, the first cyber meeting of the Lexington Rotary was adjourned. Another one for the history books. Until next week, stay safe, calm and healthy.
Best to all,