Another ZOOM Meeting Completed

If you would like to view the Zoom Meeting in it's entirety click the link below.
PS You do not need to have a DropBox account to view.
It was a lovely afternoon for our Monday zoom meeting. There were 13 Lexington rotarians present and Assistant District Governor Amy graced us with her warm presence and welcome enthusiasm. She encouraged us to register for the Virtual District Installation and also to be checking the District website for updates and changes to events. 
Link to register below:
After his helpful daughter got PP Bob Cunningham’s audio working, he gave $20 happy dollars because none of the current members of the club have caught the COVID. PP Murray gave $20 in support of his brother in law, Bob Savage, who has been valiantly fighting the virus.
Even though we couldn’t have our annual Comedy Night fundraiser, we have selected and are funding 10 scholarships to local seniors: 7 from LHS, 2 from Minuteman, 1 from LCA. We’re looking forward to getting to meet these great kids (virtually) and hearing about their plans for the future!
The lighting project that we sponsored to support the graduating class of 2020 is up on the gazebo at Hastings Park and looks great. Take a look tonight! 
I’m happy to report that we completed our first successful donation drive today to benefit the Lexington Food Pantry. I had a Jeep-load full of food donations and a nice check for $1325.00 to present to the organization.
Thank you so, so much for your participation!
Here is shot of Arianna Cardillo and I dropping off the big score to the Food Pantry 😊👍😊
Hoping everyone stays healthy and happy. Please reach out to fellow members if you need anything at all, even if it’s just a call for a quick chat! 
💚Meaghan Murphy