ZOOM Meeting
My appologies, the Zoom recording for this weeks meeting failed so, no virtual meeting recording.
Following the traditional Bulletin Form layout;
Weather: Sunny and 79 degrees
Luncheon Fare: BYOL (Bring Your Own Lunch)
Attendance: 14 Rotarians and 1 Past Lexington Rotarian Visitor (Wayne Busa Zooming in from Concord) Total 15
Raffle Gifts Donated by: Bupkis
50/50 Raffle Winner: Me, $50K
Pledge by: Crickets
1st Verse of America: Church noises.
Happy Dollars:
- PP/Sec Frank gave $20 for his son Ben’s new gig writing for a new project and collaborating with Steve Martin and Martin “Marty” Short. Congrats to Ben.
- PP/PE Spencer gave $10 for his gym being open and his basement gym is now closed.
- PP/Treas. Dan gave $20 for the Cape pool being open. Come on down.
- Fines:
- PP John O fined PP/PE Spencer because he never received his masks. He says it was a deliberate attempt to get him infected with Covid-19.
- Bob C. donated $50 to the BLM movement.
- Preliminary results of PP/PE Spencer’s Survey.
Members liked idea of having a virtual wine tasting.
Speaker request split between Covid-19 impact on Lexington and something completely unrelated to get it off our minds.
Members liked every other week meetings for the Summer.
- Looking into having porch meeting at the golf club when available.
- Maybe a meeting at Hastings Park, BYOL and chair.
- Looking for speakers to do a Zoom Meeting presentation.
- We still have Face Masks and Face Shields – Check with PP/PE Spencer.
- Trying to look for ways to keep the club engaged while we can’t meet face to face. Suggestions appreciated.
- Meaghan organized a food/$$ drive for the Lexington Food Bank. Lot’s of food collected and $1,425.00 donated to the Food Bank. Thanks Meaghan and members.
Summer Calendar:
- Zoom Meeting June 15th 12:00 PM
- Zoom Induction Meeting June 22nd 12:00 PM
- Zoom Meeting June 29th 12:00 PM
- Off July 6th
- Zoom Meeting July 13th 12:00 PM (with board meeting prior at 11:00 AM)
- Off July 20th
- Zoom Wine Social July 23rd (Wines available at Busa Wine & Spirits at a Rotary discounted rate.)
- Zoom Meeting July 27th 12:00 PM
- Off August 3rd
- Zoom Meeting August 10th 12:00 PM (with board meeting prior at 11:00 AM)
- Off August 17th
- Zoom Meeting August 24th 12:00 PM
- Off August 31st and September 7th
- Figure it out from there…
2020 Rotary Club of LexingtonScholarship recipients
LHS: Daniela Camacho, Finna Jacobson, Summer Spencer, Eric DeCoste, Emily Weinberg, Alex Zhang, Brian Gillis. MINUTEMAN HS: Madeleine Minks, Emily Hawkins. LCA: Emily Freeman
District 7930 Annual Meeting and Memorial Service
Please join us for our Annual Meeting & Memorial Service. I hope many of you can show up to honor the 20 members of our District who have passed this year for a beautiful virtual ceremony.
District Annual Meeting and Memorial Service
Wednesday June 10, 2020 6:30 pm
Thank you,
DG 2019-2020
Yours in Rotary
PP/Treasurer Dan B