1st Meeting of 2019-2020 Year Under the Belt.
On a warm, sunny summer day, 18 Rotarians and 2 guests met at Via Lago in Lexington with Dan Olsen presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Arianna Cardillo, Verse of America was led by PSA Charlie., PP Don Sherman cited the invocation, the welcome song was by PSA Charlie V. The food was fantastic, especially as you could order whatever your heart desired from the Via Lago Menu.
Our President Dan O. led the meeting to order and welcomed everyone attending.
Fines and Happy Dollars
Bob Cunningham gave Happy Dollars for travelling to Washington DC and participate in a charity event raising money to help cure pancreatic cancer.
President Dan O. gave Happy Dollars for his first complete meeting being back at the helm.
Ugur Ergun gave Happy Dollars wishing Pres. Dan a great year.
Meghan Murphy was fined by her guest, Kenny Hatfield, for not telling him he had to sing and for not being appropriately dressed for the occasion.
Moment of Silence
For District Governor Bob Wood who passed away peacefully on June 30th
President Dan O. announced that 10 guests will attend the upcoming Spinners game on August 8th. If anyone else would like to attend contact President Dan.
Our new President Dan congratulated PP Michelle and the club for a 25% growth from last year in membership with 8 new members. Dan explained that we are one of the most desired clubs for new membership and we hope to grow even larger this year.
Also all members will be Committee assigned, which as a member you can find where you are assigned on our webpage (https://www.lexingtonrotary.org/) If you don’t know how to login contact webmaster PP Dan B at lexrotary@gmail.com and he can help talk you through it.
PP Frank Smith invited everyone over to his home on July 25th from 6PM where there will be Games, BBQ, Beer, wine, Pool, Hot Tub etc. etc. Friends and Family members are invited and of course any golden retrievers.
District Governor Joan Arsenault will visit our club on August 19th. All members are encouraged to attend.
The annual Sr. BBQs are scheduled for the last week in September with and additional one, tentatively, planned for the Community Center. Exact dates will be determined soon.
Donations from Arlex Oil , P.P. Dan Olsen, and the Rotary Club of Lexington, and Eagle Bank.
50/50 Raffle was $45 and PP Frank Smith won.
James E.