Short and Sweet

It was a standard mid-summer, sunny and humid day for our Monday 7/30 Rotary meeting. We had a nice meal of grilled salmon, rice, salad, fruit and cookies.
It was a lightly attended meeting with 14 rotarians and no guests or speaker.
Gifts were donated by:
- Eagle Bank
- Patriot Cooperative Bank
- People’s United Bank
- Arlex Oil
PP Murry did the Pledge, PP Don M sang the first verse of America and PP Don S gave the invocation.
President Michelle read two lovely thank you letters from scholarship recipients.
- President Michelle sent out an email with a blank committee report form, for all committee chairs to get their reports and budgetary needs in order by next Monday's meeting (8/6) to discuss. Monday September 10 will be the District Governor's visit meeting. Full attendance is requested by all members on this day. Monday, October 10, 2018
- Jim Tarpey is chairing the Speaker Program this year. It would be great if every member could think of one person who would be an excellent speaker and pass along to Jim. We are hoping to get speakers who are not just looking for funding but will be educational, informative and fun. Editor's note:(No insurance salesmen please, sorry Jim, no offence)
The 50-50 seemed complicated and undermined. I don’t know who won! But whomever it was, received a very small piggy bank.
Slow day at Rotary! See you all next week for a regular meeting at the Golf Club.