Posted by Jim Tarpey on Sep 17, 2018




Newest Member Cleve Coats, Jr. Presents to Rotary

On a sunny September afternoon, 20 Rotarians and one guest gathered for weekly meeting.  Lunch consisted of grilled chicken, broccoli & shrimp, cheese burger sliders, assorted vegetables and fruit. 
President Michelle rang the bell at 12:30 to get things started. 
  • The pledge was led by PP Jim F
  • 1st verse of America by PP Dan O
  • Invocation by PDG Jack
  • Welcome song was led by Charlie V
Raffle items were donated by:
  • Busa Wine & Spirts
  • Bob Cunningham
  • Eagle Bank
  • Arlex Oil
  • Rotary Club of Lexington
Fines & Happy Dollars:
  • PP Spencer gave happy dollars for celebrating his Anniversary after being happily married for 11 years
  • PP Spencer gave additional happy dollars because his son was excited about having some Fenway dirt rubbed on his baseball glove at the Red Sox game over the weekend.
  • Bob C gave happy dollars because his son got a new job
  • PP Dan B gave happy dollars because his daughter moved to South Carolina to start her new career in nursing
  • PP Lori gave happy dollars because she met with the Rotaract club at Minuteman Tech
  • PP Dan B fined sergeant at Arms Allen for wearing shorts
  • Both PDG Jack & PP Dan O fined Charlie for the poor singing of the welcome song.
  • October 1st the club will be meeting at Minuteman Tech and the board meeting will take place there prior to the meeting.
  • The club will not be meeting on October 8th
  • Senior BBQs are this week and we need volunteers on Wednesday & Thursday.  Check email from Jim Shaw with signup sheets.
  • Visitors Day will be on October 22nd
  • Cash Raffle drawing will be taking place on November 16th  -- we all need to start selling tickets.
  • We will be doing sand for seniors again this year.  The club will be donating up to 100 buckets this year. 
  • PP Don M talked about Rotaplast.  Everyone can view his upcoming trip to the Philippines with his Rotaplast team at
Speaker: Cleve Coats on Active Shooter Training
Fellow Rotarian Cleve Coats spoke to us about Active Shooter Training.  Cleve has an impressive resume with the Massachusetts State police with over 32 years’ experience in the field.  Cleve showed us a quick presentation video and then highlighted the key points in a discussion after.  He explained the three important decisions that you must make if you are ever faced with an active shooter.  You must decide to either “Run, Hide, Or Fight”. 
Cleve explained that run should always be the first option if possible.  You must always have an escape plan where ever you go.  If you are out to eat at a restaurant or out shopping, make note of the emergency escape routes in case an emergency may occur.  You should try to help others get out of harm’s way and prevent others from entering danger.
If run is not an option, your next plan is to hide in the safest spot possible.  Always try to lock doors and/or barricade them to disrupt the shooter from entering inside the room.  You should find a spot that is out of view from the shooter and keep as quiet as possible.  Always silence phones and prepare yourself to fight if needed.
The last option is to fight back.  Use any weapon possible to defend yourself.  You should always try to disrupt the shooter by throwing objects and try to disarm the shooter during close encounters.  If you are with other people, try to come up with a plan to disarm the shooter and take him to the ground until authorities show up.  
50-50 Raffle:
Bob C won $60 in the 50-50 raffle
  • Jim T