First Lunch at New Minuteman High School
Many thanks to the Culinary Team
On a warm sunny October day, President Dan opened the meeting at the new Minuteman Technical High School, in their new restaurant.
This proved a great setting for a meeting, with wide open spaces and a glass wall facing outdoors. The Lexington Rotary Club was the first non school group to have a meal and meeting in this new setting. We also enjoyed better acoustics in this new room, especially for those Rotarians with less than perfect hearing!
We had 17 Rotarians, 1 visiting Rotarian, and 13 guests, consisting of some school staff and the school Interact Club. Interact staff representative Connie Maynard was presented with a Rotary Polio Plus certificate, which included a dotation that will ensure that 61 children somewhere overseas will be given polio vaccine in Connie’s honor.
Happy Dollars:
A number of members gave happy dollars, including Pres. Dan O, PP Don S, PDG Jack M, PP Dan B and PP Spencer B.
The main feature of the meeting was hearing from student members of the Interact club, and heard about some of their activities. They even joined the Rotary Club in the last Polar Plunge! They seem to be a select group of go getters- knowing how to get things done.
We also heard from a young lady, a student at Minuteman, that has begun the process of establishing a non-profit company along with another student, that will create, by hand, and distribute, blankets, swaddling cloths and hand knit “octopuses” to babies in the NICU at local hospitals. A tremendous accomplishment. They are following a technique called “Kangaroo Care”, a local project of the students, under the sponsorship of the Cleveland Clinic!
President Dan reported that we donated $3100.00 to Hurricane Dorian relief, $500.00 to Susan B Komen Fund, and $500.00 to a Veteran’s Service Dog Project. We also got a photo plaque from the Little League for our support.
Superintendent Ed Bouquillon spoke briefly about his joy at being in the new building that he worked so hard to achieve. On time and under burdget. Congrastulations to Superentendent Ed and his team for fighting for all the students that will benefit from such a state of the art facility for many years to come.
Future Events:
- November 2, Veteran’s breakfast at St. Brigid’s Church 9 AM
- November 7, a service dog will be presented to a veteran
- November 11- Veteran’s Day Program and the Bedford VA
- December 7,8 and 9 Frank S will again lead the annual Sand for Seniors
Cash Raffle tickets were distributed to member. 195 tickets sold do far. More to go! We need everyone to step up an Sell, Sell, Sell!
Charlie Vail is now scheduled for quadruple bypass on October 31st at Lahey Clinic in Burlington.
PP Don Sherman, reporter