Short Meeting This Week, No Speaker
President Michelle called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM.
The weather today was a real show of fall, with a slight cold drizzle and temperatures in the 50s. Lunch consisted of delicious meatballs, sausage, grilled chicken, broccoli florets, salad,
cold cuts, and dessert. Attendance included 15 Lexington Rotarians and 1 visiting Rotarian for a total of 16 attendees.
Raffle gifts donated today were by Arlex Oil, Busa Wine and Spirits, PP Bill C., Eagle Bank, and Patriot Community Bank.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve C., Verse of America led by PP Domenic S., and the Invocation was given by PP Don S.
Happy Dollars
Donated by PP Dan B. for #1) his and Jody's 40th wedding anniversary and for #2) finally locating the Rotary Sponsored Veterans Day Breakfast jerseys! Congratulations, Dan!
Also, donations were made by PP Bob S. for what would have been Bob and Judy's 55th wedding anniversary - thank you so much, Bob, and by Sgt. at Arms Allan A. for his granddaughter
Cecilia’s 3rd birthday!
- PP Jim S. congratulated all those who helped and participated in the Senior BBQ’s. It went very well - very successful, per PP Jim!
- PPJim S also thanked PP Jim F. for supplying the food and grills and for the workers who set everything up and then put things away.
- PP Jim S also announced that our club had a beautiful ad in the Program Booklet at the recent Lexington vs Belmont football game played at LHS.
- President Michelle announced that the Rotary Club of Lexington has made a donation to the Genesis Battle Green Run, and also has received a thank you note from Rotoplast for the donation the Club made.
President Michelle made some announcements regarding upcoming activities:
- October 22 – Visitors Day; it will be here at Lexington Golf Club
- October 29 – Meaghan M. is in charge and gave a rundown of the Friends Forever schedule. It will involve Friends Forever and Minuteman High School Rotary Interact Club students. The day would start with a project at Sunrise, then in the afternoon participation in a trampoline activity, and the day would end up at PP Don M.'s house in Bedford around 5 – 6 PM for dinner. Meaghan said ride arrangements will be needed for the MM students.
- November 3 – Veterans Day Breakfast at St. Brigid Church
- November 16 – Cash Raffle at Lexington Golf Club
- November 18, a Sunday – at Minuteman High School 12 noon – 3 PM, Rise Against Hunger Pack-Out in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Concord.
- November 19 – our annual joint Thanksgiving meeting with Burlington at Lexington Golf Club.
The 50/50 raffle winner was PDG Jack M. who immediately donated it back to the club.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 PM by President Michelle.
PP Murry A.