Posted by Domenic Sicari on Oct 28, 2019

Keynote Speaker Becca Pizzi Tells Club About 7 Marathons, 7 Continents in 7 Days

On a cool, cloudy rainy fall day, 19 Rotarians and 23 guests met at the Lexington Golf Club with P Dan O. presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by PP Murry, Verse of America was led by P Dan Olsen. , Bob C. cited the invocation, the welcome song was by P Dan Olsen.The food was fantastic as usual, consisting of fish, steak, salad, vegetables, and deserts.
Our President Dan O. led the meeting to order and welcomed everyone attending including several members of the Rotaract Club of Lexington.
Fines and Happy Dollars
  • Tricia E gave Happy Dollars for being back to our Rotary meeting after being absent due to a change at her work position which prevented her from attending. (Welcome back !!!)
  • PP Dan B gave Happy Dollars for moving into his new house.
  • Meaghan M gave Happy Dollars for getting back her apartment after sharing it with her parents who were in between homes. She also thanked Tricia for giving her a place to stay at the hotel.
  • Meaghan was also Happy because her favorite event with “Friends Forever” was here again.
  • P Dan O. gave Happy Dollars for surviving with his family in harmony as he closed up his cottage.
  • P.P. Don M gave Happy Dollars because everyone sang “on key”.
  • PP Don M announced he invited all to join him with his guests of “Friends Forever International” at his home for dinner.
  • President Dan O announced the upcoming events.
  • November 2nd Veterans Breakfast 7:30 AM at the St. Brigid’s Church.
  • November 7th Foundation Dinner 7:30 PM at the Andover Country Club.
  • November 11th Veterans Day event 10:30 AM at the Bedford VA.
  • November 15th Cash Raffle at the Lexington Golf Club.
  • November 17th Rise Against Hunger 1:00 - 3:00 PM at the Lexington Depot. (Need help unloading the truck at 11 AM)
  • November 18th No Meeting.
  • November 22nd Joint meeting with Burlington in Burlington. 12:15 PM
  • November 25th Regular meeting.
  • Sand for Seniors December 6th, 7th, and 8th.
  • More donations are requested for our annual raffle night.
Donations were from Patriot Community Bank, AG Amy, Spencer Betts, Village Automotive, and Youville Place.
On this special day we had speaker Becca Pizzi of Belmont Boosters, a runner from Belmont, Massachusetts. In 2016 she was the first American woman to complete the World Marathon Challenge, a series of seven marathons on seven continents in seven consecutive days, for which she holds the current record.[ She finished each race well ahead of all the other four women runners, and ahead of nine of the eleven men competitors. In 2018, she became the first woman to complete the World Marathon Challenge twice, again winning the women's overall race, and six of the seven individual marathons.
We also had our guests from “Friends Forever International”. We had the opportunity to hear what “Friends Forever International” is about.
“Friends Forever International” runs year-long youth empowerment and leadership programs for youth ages 15-17 from the United States, Northern Ireland, and the Middle East. Each participant is a part of a team of 10 youth who all go through the program together. The program is divided into 3 phases. The Team Building Phase happens in the youth's home country and prepares them for the short Skill Building Phase. The Skill Building Phase is an intense 2-week trip to the United States (if the youth are not American) or Northern Ireland (if the youth are American). This trip is full of workshops, volunteer service, and public speaking. When the teams return home, they enter the Community Building Phase, during which they develop and implement a Social Action Project which addresses a need in their community. Our group this year was from Northern Ireland. It was nice to see how Catholics and Protestants can get along peacefully and become friends when they are not influenced by adults who for many years have preached that each side should dislike the other. We can all learn a great lesson from the organization, “Friends Forever International”.
President Dan O. rang the bell and our meeting was ended.
The 50/50 was by PP Spencer
Respectfully submitted,
PP Domenic Sicari