Posted by John O'Donnell on Nov 25, 2019

James Ellis Tells His Story to The Club

On a beautiful Monday afternoon, November 25th, 2019, twenty dedicated Rotarians, NO visiting Rotarians, and No guest, enjoyed a medley of salmon, chicken, rice, salad, appetizer of Irish wedding soup, Yum, Yum.
Pres. Dan opened the meeting with a strong gong, and introduced PP Michele to start the Pledge of Allegiance, she needed help, sharp as a marble that one, 1st verse of America by our fearless leader Pres. Dan and the Invocation by “cardinal in training” God help us all, PDG Jack.
Happy Dollars were as follows:
  • PP Don M. $10 to announce Xmass tree coupon at Wagon Wheel are now available.
  • PP Murry, $50, for his son’s Harrison marriage, then another $5.00, not sure what for???
  • Ken Wright, amount not disclosed, for his daughter engagement
  • PP Spencer, $20, birthday, Packout, trip to Iceland, couldn’t you find a warmer climate?
  • PP Dan, $20 for grandson winning at Cash Raffle
  • PP Nick, $10, for fun outside the club, yes that is accurate
  • Meghan, $5, fun Burlington meeting
  • Alan, $10, back in the saddle from surgery, someone donate a razor to him please
  • PP John, $500 back to the club for the Cash Raffle winnings, $500 from customer who won but donated back to the club.
  • PP John attempted to fine PP Michele $5 for a physical attack at Cash Raffle, wimpy members defeated the proposal.
  • PP John attempted to negotiate “no further fines” due to his, and his customer s, generosity, “well does barking up the wrong tree come to mind”
Raffle Gifts:
  • Patriot Community Bank, the best community Bank in the area
  • Arlex, “please bring me cold weather” Oil
  • PP “you dummies can’t pass 3rd grade math” Bill Cassell
  • PP “I guarantee to lose your money” Spencer
  • PP “so what if my Xmas trees were cut last year” Nick
  • ADG Amy, sorry, don’t know her, so dingers are not allowed
  • Board meeting postponed until 12/9/19
  • Toys for Tots, PP Jim collecting through 12/16/19, or drop off at Brookhaven
  • PP Frank announced Sands for Seniors, 12/6. 12/7/ 12/8, 50 buckets so far.
  • PP Lori announced 35 Thanksgiving dinners to be deliver by Youth Commission
  • PP Lori announced Holiday Party on 12/16/19, everything under control
  • PP Dan announced Polar Plunge donations are now open, he is wimping out, but PP Lori is jumping in the ocean , brave soul!!
Rotarian James Ellis spoke about his life. Raised in Hanham, England. Loved sports, swimming, rugby, running, however, soccer was his favorite sport, and he aspired to be a professional soccer player in England. The competition is very tough, at 16 years old realized professional soccer in England was not meant to be, however, through a friend, ended up playing soccer on scholarship at Mount Ida College, Newton Ma. Currently employed by Guarantee Rate, a mortgage company, with an office in Lexington. He lives in Brighton, has a 5 year old daughter, currently engaged, with a baby boy on the way.
  • Won by PP Dan $255 big ones, please share with JodyJ