New Member James Ellis Inducted
The December 10th meeting of the Lexington Rotary club was on a perfectly sunny and cold afternoon. A nice lunch was served of coconut shrimp, grilled chicken, Asian noodles, veggies and salad.
We had 17 Rotarians in attendance with one guest. Meaghan Murphy led the Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation by PP Don Sherman and the National Anthem from the past weeks Army/Navy game was played by PP Dan Busa.
Lots of merriment and happiness filled the room with soon to be new member starting things out. James Ellis was very happy to be be joining Rotary, PDG Jack was happy it's freezing cold outside, PP Don M for a trip to AZ to see his son and PP Spencer B was happy audit season is over.
A new application is being processed for Arianna Cardillo. New member Cleave C has accepted the position of Second VP. The club made a donation to Cary Memorial Library for their 150 year gala.
No meeting December 24 or 31st. PP John O'Donnell was very obviously heartbroken over that news. He'll miss us dearly.
Remember, the joint meeting with the Lion's Club is January 15th at the Knights of Columbus at @ 6:30 PM.
Also don't forget to donate to President Michelle's Polar Plunge fund and/or join the fun yourself and sign up to plunge with her!
The meeting wrapped up in style with James Ellis being inducted into the club by his sponsor PP Dan B and President Michelle.
PP Don M showed a video of a performance of a singing group, No Chaser, doing The 12 Days of Christmas.
And Sir John O'Donnell walked away with the 50/50. Bah Humbug!
Meaghan M