Lexington Hosts Annual Joint Meeting With The Lions Club

Monday turned out to be a fine day to host the Lexington Lions Club for a joint meeting of the powers to be of Lexington.
Chef Patty created a magnificent lasting impression for our guests, having prepared a sumptuous meal to please even the pickiest of palates. (Many asked if we eat this way every week- of course we do.)
The upbeat crowd of 21 Rotarians, 19 Lions, 1 Visiting Rotarian and 2 Guests did its best at singing and welcoming each other. The new “Pitch Pipe” idea was a total flop and should be used only for calling the dog in the future.
Two tables were found to be delinquent with no Lions present. A just fine was promptly ordered and paid. Special guests of note present, were the Superintendent of the Lexington Schools Dr Julie Hackett and the proprietor of the new LaDolda Artisanal Pasta restaurant soon to open on Mass Ave in Lexington- Matteo Gallizio.
A special “auction gift” of 2 Celtics tickets was offered by PP (Don’t call me Murray) Murry as well as the more reserved raffle gifts from S/T Dan, Spencer B, Arlex Oil and Patriot Bank NA.
Happy dollars and fines were graciously offered by both Lions and Rotarians. Paul Jenkins of the Lions Club offered happy dollars in memory of his father Donald Jenkins who was a long time member of the Rotary Club and Lexington Golf Club.
Our speaker for today was introduced as someone with an impressive list of accomplishments and experience over her 20 years before coming to the Lexington School System. Dr Julie Hackett jumped right into her job in July of 2018- in the midst of building/renovation projects, increasing enrollments and the need to redistrict some parts of town.
She presented her approach to the job and its responsibilities in a very organized and inclusive way. Her tasks at hand include defining a strategic plan, creating a system wide master plan, determining the best redistricting solution with 2 new schools coming on line and managing the challenges of a $118M.
Her presentation style, engaging personality and information rich conversation left everyone feeling like the Lexington School System has a very capable leader at the helm.

No Meeting next Monday the 20th- MLK Jr Day.
See you all on the 27th.