Polar Plunge Goes Off Without a Hitch - PP Lori Does US Proud

PP Lori With Interact Club Members From Minuteman HS
On a nice winter day, 17 Lexington Rotarians enjoyed lunch provided by Neillio’s   
As usual, the food was fantastic.
PP Jim F. led the Pledge; the first verse of America was by Charlie V., and the invocation by PDG Jack M.
Happy dollars/Fines:
  • Since there were no guests, we didn’t need to sing the welcome song and the no guest fines were waived. 
  • James E. paid happy dollars for the birth of his son Jack, on February 9th.   Yanira B. gave happy dollars for a future Rotarian due in October. 
  • PP Lori M. gave happy dollars for the Polar Plunge.
  • PP Dan B. added to those happy dollars. 
  • President Dan O. gave happy dollars for his granddaughter getting accepted to McGill and for the Hayden Synchronized Skating Team taking first place this past weekend at Nationals in Providence, RI.
  • President Dan O. read a letter from Eric Espino, a scholarship recipient, thanking the club for the scholarship. 
  • 1stVP Spencer B. announced comedy night tickets are available, the event is May 15th.  Looking to sell all tickets, ads, and silent auction items. 
  • March Madness is starting soon, a link to CBS sports will be provided. 
  • President Dan O. announced two upcoming meetings. 
    • March 16th our meeting will be at Minuteman
    • April 13 joint meeting with Concord at Minuteman. 
  • PP Frank S. said ice melt buckets will be picked up Patriot’s Day Weekend.
Raffle Donations were from Spencer Betts, Arlex Oil, James Ellis, and Assistant District Governor Amy.
50/50 was won by PP Spencer, $50.
Next Meeting:  March 9, 2020
More Polar Pluge Pics Thanks to PP Bob O;Keefe for taking them
Real Men don't need boots.